Hello ka blogger.. this is our 3rd meeting in IT-2 Network Management/principles with Prof. John Mark Dose
i hope u will enjoy while you reading..
IP Addressing
IP Address Classes
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
• Basically the method that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) use to allocate an amount of addresses to a company, a home
• Ex :
• The slash notation (/) means how many bits are turned on (1s)
CIDR Values
q Subnetting is logically dividing the network by extending the 1’s used in SNM
q Advantage
q Can divide network in smaller parts
q Restrict Broadcast traffic
q Security
q Simplified Administration
q Classful IP Addressing SNM are a set of 255’s and 0’s.
q In Binary it’s contiguous 1’s and 0’s.
q SNM cannot be any value as it won’t follow the rule of contiguous 1’s and 0’s.
q Possible subnet mask values
q 0
q 128
q 192
q 224
q 240
q 248
q 252
q 254
q 255
q Number of subnets – 2x-2
Where X = number of bits borrowed
q Number of Hosts – 2y-2
Where y = number of 0’s
q Block Size = Total number of Address
Block Size = 256-Mask
Addressing Without Subnets